Wes Leigh is a Singer-Songwriter with strong roots in Country-Folk-Music and he is also open to all kinds of different Styles like Rock, Soul, Grunge or Modern Hip-Hop.
He is living in the Middle of Europe, in a beautiful countryside.
Although he played Music and composed songs since his Youth, he only started publishing his Songs but lately, in the Summer of 2024.
„Better late than Never!“, says Wes, who is no longer 25 years old and not yet in his Sixties;-)
„It has always been my Dream to write and produce songs of my own, hereby touching the hearts, souls and maybe even the minds of my audience.“
That means, that he tries to write music with melodic hooklines, good grooves and - hopefully - inspiring lyrics.
Wes once said – with tongue in cheek – that he wants to create a little „American Songbook“ of his own. We´ll see: Check it out ;-)
Wes would love to reach people not only in the anglo-american Hemisphere, but also in Asia or India, for instance, and thus worlwide. „Music is the universal Language of Mankind“, as Wes likes to underline.
Listen here and have Fun!
What is the Sense of Life? „I Do Not Know!“, Wes says, „But I do Know, what is important in Life!“
„Money, Cars, Muscles, Beer and beautiful Woman, may be Fine in a Man´s Life, but what is really important is to have Good Friends!“, Wes once stated.
And it may take a long Time to find out, who your Best Friend is or was.
So, Wes dedicated his new Country Song „My Best Friend“ to all the best friends in the World. Listen to him and enjoy Life!
The song refers to „Rabbit, Run“, a novel published in 1960 by John Updike. The novel describes three months in the life of a 26-year-old former high school basketball player named Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom. He is unhappy in a loveless marriage and a boring sales job. He tries to escape the constraints and boundaries of his life. The driving rhythm of the song is designed to reflect the escape from reality. Does this sound familiar to you? Is there at least sometimes a bit of a Rabbit in everyone?
I suppose, that nobody likes violence of any kind? So, why is it, that there is so much violence in this world? Injustice, poverty and starvation, conflict and wars, killing and massive destruction all around and no end to it in sight! Where does this violence come from?
Napoleon Bonaparte once said: „There are only two forces that unite men — fear and interest.“ Maybe this might hint at an explanation?
After the end of the Cold War in the Nighties of last century, there was hope for a better world, a more peaceful and more collaborative geopolicy.
Even the „end of history“ was discussed. But things went into a different direction. Today in the year 2024 thinks look very grim, a nuclear world war seems more likely than ever before…and the lambs remain silent. What is your take on that?
As a young boy, I was gazing from time to time through the windowof my room seeing a stars and a silver moon on a clear night. I wondered: why is there anyting at all, why is there a universe and what ist he purpose of Life, if there is any?
Maybe these questions are as old as mankind? And the answers are „bolwing in the wind“? What do you think?
Did you ever wonder, if there is a Devil in this world and if so, where does he or she come from? I thought, that in our modern Times there was no room anymore for a Devil or Demon. Don´t we think and act on a rational basis, understand the Universe and the smallest things like quarks?
And don´t we, or at least a lot of people, consider religion as a kind of an old-fashioned folclore and God as a mere human fantasy?
Yet, looking at our world today, there must still be a Devil of some sort, a principle of evil and destruction.
Maybe you once felt, as if you had been kissed by the Devil in the middle oft he night, leaving a turmoil of bed feelings in your mind? Some force dragging you into a „black hole“?
Maybe it is the voice in your head? Listen to my song and try to figure it out!